Corporate social responsibility is related to, but not identical with, business ethics. While CSR encompasses the economic, legal, ethical, and discretionary responsibilities of organizations, business ethics usually focuses on the moral judgments and behaviour of individuals and groups within organizations. Thus, the study of business ethics may be regarded as a component of the larger study of corporate social responsibility.
As a business and as business owners we will take CSR extremely seriously. We live in different and challenging times and the need for a well-educated, happy, and safe group of people, our personnel, will be key to running an efficient and profitable enterprise. Therefore, we will have the need for key monitors in different sections and organise the work environment in such a way that every person, minority or gender will feel accepted and safe with a freedom of expression at all time.
Our employees in the Factory, their rights, duties and securities
Hidden costs and how to improve the cost of waste?
The Hidden Factory
As a factory we must strive toward LEAN management, recognizing and eliminating waste but at the same time also focus on: