
Currently we are looking for the right partners and funders to open up shop in the German Brandenburg region which is becoming the German pinnacle for renewable energy investments and manufacturing.

If you run a family office, manage an investment fund or are a so called High net worth Individual yourself with an urge to do good for the planet and earn a very decent return at the same time then please reach out to us to see if we can find mutual interest.


For investors we will strive to offer an exit after a maximum of six years.

The exit can mean a refinance, a pay out via sales among an investor pool closely related to Ralos roof tiles or we float part of the shares on one of the major European exchanges or even Nasdaq.

Given the possible substantial turnover and profitability an exit on one of the exchanges does not seem unlikely.

First Project

Currently we are working on the acquisition of the ultimate design for a solar roof system which replaces the actual roof tiles.

The roof tiles will be swapped for a tile that produces energy, heating and cooling when combined with a hybrid heat pump.

The tiles are strong enough to walk on which is excellent news for layers who are in need of renewed and refined tiles with unchanged overall looks of the roof as a whole. With these tiles we can supply the imminent demand of roof layers and home owners by offering a solution for a true roof, energy storage, heating, cooling and battery charger. The cherry on the cake should be the neighbourhood energy storage facility by using an ice cellar or hydro bag. Due to NDA’s we’ve signed names of the products cannot be shown or given.

Trade name
ELSO Energy
by @MyCS Europa bv
Regnr. 68270372
Assen The Netherlands
Germany: Berlin
Netherlands: Assen
United Kingdom: London
Phone numbers
+49(0)1521 1521 231
+31(0)6 2497 9264
+31(0)6 1406 3633

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